What is MegARISE

Protection of vulnerable catchment areas in Meghalaya (MegARISE) Project is a step forward to a new initiative, forged through a partnership with the KfW (German Development Bank) that marks a proactive step in safeguarding vulnerable catchment areas, particularly targeting the catchments that secure the water supply for the two largest cities in Meghalaya, i.e. Shillong in East Khasi Hills (EKH) District and Tura in West Garo Hills (WGH) District. 

The project will be implemented with a total financial outlay of approx. 41 million Euros (approx. ₹344 Cr) and will entail capacity building of community members, enhancement of forests and other ecosystems across the two catchments and livelihood improvement of vulnerable communities.

The 'MegARISE' project, conceptualized as a preventive investment, aims to bolster the resilience of natural resource-dependent communities along the catchment area against the adverse impacts of climate change. By implementing sustainable practices and fostering community engagement, the initiative seeks to restore and protect the ecological integrity of the region.

The Project is expected to 

(i) maintain forest cover while increasing crown coverage,

(ii) increase total income as well as income diversity of the target population, 

(iii) increase water discharge and quality by rejuvenating natural resources of water, adopting water conservation and harvesting measures, enhancing their ecological and hydrological processes and by that reducing climate vulnerability of the target group, and

(iv) establish innovative mechanisms (including Payment for Ecosystem Services [PES] and new administrative structure of catchment areas) for planning and management of natural resources.

The project is being executed by the Meghalaya Basin Development Authority (MBDA).


Climate resilience of treated ecosystems and watershed livelihoods in the selected project areas is increased.

Project Duration

25th Nov, 2022 - 24th Nov, 2029

Project Coverage

225 villages, 10 blocks and 4 districts

Across 2 catchments

Estimated Cost

344 Cr

Total Project Cost in EUR (€ Million)

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  • RDL Building, Springside, Lumsohphoh, Jingkieng, Nongthymmai, Shillong, Meghalaya 793014

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